
We Have Born a World Champion

Back to the Future!
Talking Business with Irene Bouchal-Gahleitner, CPO Netur ...

Netural has turned into a breeding ground for a whole range of digital products. This Linz-based digital service provider always enjoys releasing yet another spin-off into the market, and finds plenty reason to celebrate when after a few short years it takes a world championship title.

In creating Storyblok, Netural has come up with a proprietary content management system that solves many problems at a finger snap. Storyblok is an extremely handy tool that allows developers to choose freely among frontend technologies. This maintenance-free, cloud-based headless system has already paved the way to fastest "time to market" and uncompromising "on time, in budget and in quality" in many projects.

In 2017, after two and a half years of development, Netural spun off Storyblok, following a proven strategy that had seen convincing proof of concept when the company´s product configurator Roomle went independent. Netural founder and CEO Albert Ortig explains: "We see ourselves as an incubator for young teams with excellent ideas, and those who join Netural find more than just one career option. We also keep a consistent focus on our core business as a digitalization service provider, and our spin-off strategy ensures that while playing our core competence to the full, we can also support take-offs of innovative ideas."

f.l.t.r.: Stephan Lechner (Shareholder, Storyblok GmbH), Dominik Angerer (CEO, Storyblok GmbH), Mag. Albert Ortig (Shareholder, Storyblok GmbH)

And the award goes to…

Storyblok has quickly established itself on the free market, growing rapidly to now over 100 employees from 30 nations. In 2021 alone, over 500 new partners joined. Now the young league climbers report something akin to a world championship title:

At the turn of the year 2021/22, Storyblok is officially the world's best-rated headless CMS - with an incredible 40 best ratings in the categories Headless CMS, Web Ops Platforms, Web Content Management, Component Content Management Systems and Enterprise Content Management (ECM).

The Storyblok team is particularly proud of winning the "Momentum Leader" title in the category "Web Content Management" and being "Leader" in the categories "General", "Enterprise", "Medium Size" and "Small Business" in a large number of subcategories. They also hold top positions as the most powerful headless CMS and web content management system of choice in Europe, Asia-Pacific and worldwide for companies and small and medium-sized organizations.

Unrivaled convenience for developers and users

Albert Ortig explains this smashing success: “We were always 100% convinced that both developers and users would benefit from Storyblok. The system offers unrivaled convenience for users even in the most complex organizations and projects, with unprecedented flexibility and functionality at the development and management levels. As pioneering Storyblok users, we ourselves have enjoyed the benefits of the headless approach, decoupling data from the respective applications. We experienced a massive acceleration of the process from prototype to fully integrated service. Storyblok is also the key to a sustainable digital architecture.”

In the early days, Netural explored the potential of Storyblok in projects for the internationally successful eyewear brand Silhouette. To this day, Storyblok is one of the core tools of the Netural development team.

"We believe in uncompromising customer focus," comments Albert Ortig. "However huge the complexity in the background may be - time to market combined with smooth processes is critical to our success. Which is exactly the benefit of Storyblok. We congratulate the newly crowned world champions.”

Article: 17.01.2025




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