
Integrated Digitalization: Netural Coaches LIMAK DigiLab – Again.

Summer Series: Sales Digitalization, Thought Through
Netural Coaches Winning JKU Team at the Global Scaling Ch ...

This is already routine, but never boring: For the fourth time now, Netural has accompanied the “New Business Development in the Digital Economy” MBA class of the LIMAK Austrian Business School through the “Digitalization Practice Lab” at the end of their course. Participants met the challenge of developing digital service design processes based on real-world cases, delivering quick first inputs for digitization projects in participating companies.

The two-day “Digitalization Practice Lab” is the final module of the MBA course “New Business Development in the Digital Economy” at LIMAK Austrian Business School. Once again, Netural accompanied the event, coaching participants who had to apply their skills to cross-disciplinary real-world business cases.

Supported with his digital know-how in transferring theory intro practice with real-life business cases: Netural CEO Albert Ortig.

Service design - a recipe for success

Candidates had to treat real digitalization challenges by analyzing environments and creating the corresponding personas, user journeys and wireframes. In the DigiLab, Netural demonstrated simple methodical steps towards quickly gaining the necessary insights to define and structure complex digital projects. “Here, a methodical approach is really important to get everyone on board, offering a shared view of a complex task,” says Coach Martin Obermayr of Netural´s Business Development unit.

The first step is the hardest – NOT!

“Digitalization is a cross-sectional theme,” explains Peter Gollowitsch, Director of Business Development at Netural. “All disciplines must understand from the outset what they need to contribute to make a digitalization project successful, with the `digitalization team´ acting as the project´s moderator and catalyst.” - Which explains the importance of the method set aspect in digitalization processes.

To those who intend to develop their company´s digital service potential, the Netural coaches´ initial recommendation is to start out by taking stock:

  • Define and understand the (digital) company goals.
  • Identify and understand the domain or market and the targeted product/service.
  • Know the existing technical system landscape.
  • Identify users, participants and people you need to inform (e.g. using a stakeholder map).

Taking these steps, a company will move along its own technical and organizational competences towards the actual user demand. Mind that adding value for users is the crucial point defining future digital solutions. Make sure you:

  • Create user personas to relate to (empathize).
  • Define core processes and record process steps, goals and expected outcomes in a journey map.
  • Visualize, using wireframes and design studies to provide users and decision-makers with tangible solutions.
  • Prioritize the expected functionality.
  • Slice your digitization project into affordable, workable stages.

To find out more about the digitization of your sales or to see Netural´s reference projects, please send us an email:

Article: 12.09.2024




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